Wednesday, February 15, 2017

A fresh new start.

Hi there. Maybe there's no one reading this at the moment, but I know that in some time they'll be. But either way, it doesn't matter that much. Don't mean to offend you, but I have realized that in the end the only thing that really matters is how much you believe in yourself. And now, I do believe in myself very much. So, here's the story of how I ended up here, writting this in a new blog with a funny name. When I was about 11 years old (now I am 19) I decided I wanted to start a blog. A happy blog, with cute little DIY that where similar to all those beautifully made tutorials  I used to read on blogs like Oh Happy Day, or A Beautiful Mess. I saw how the blogging community worked and how amazing it was, you could discover such great things, amazing people with amazing lives, great artists, photographers, crafters. And by seeing all that, I stopped feling so alone in my little crafty/artsy mind. 

My family is filled with engineers. Which, don't get me wrong, are amazing, the problem is that I am not much of an structured mind. I am driven mostly by emotions and have loved arts since birth. I always new I wanted to study something related to humanities. Art, painting, philosophy, literature, music. And as I started my blog as a former 10 year old girls I saw all those dreams so achievable and real. So I saw the blog as a way to start telling people my story. I made mostly posts to help people do crafts/photography/art stuff. And the fact is that I didn´t know many things before trying to show people how to do them. I have to admit that I learned a huge bunch of things just because I wanted to show people how to do them. I guess I am much of a practical lerner. But that's not the point. 

The point is that for 9 years I kept that blog and filled it with all the things that I liked, projects that exited me, and some of my paintings and drawings. I have to say I never really realized how long the blog had been part of my life until today when I checked on the domain reseller's ad the year of the creation of the blog. 2008. So yeah, this takes us here. On november last year, Google made a change on their system, they made something called Google Suite, I don't have any idea of how to use it, the problem is that when I was trying to pay the yearly fee for my blog's domain the system wouldn't let me do so. So I sent like 10 emails to Google, desperate for the deadline. They never answered with something that actually helped me, all the emails had links to their help pages. The due date passed, and I lost my domain. That was a quick change, suddenly only two people saw my blog per day, when it was ussually a group of 200. I don't mean that the only thing that matters is traffic, but it was something I had worked on, and it wasn't nice to lose it like that. 

Yes, I got a bit depressed, (a lot) But then again, today I saw the date. If I started a great blog when I was only 11, then I'd better do an amazing one at 19. Because no, I am not going to quit. And yes, I still want to be an artist, philosopher, and writter. 

So here's my story. Stick around if you want to see how things turn out. Trying to study art for people I know is like jumping to the void, so yes, I practically invite you to see me fall. 

Thanks for reading. Hope to see you again soon. (jumps into the void screaming JERONIMO) 

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